Todo App

Obligatory todo app

This is a walk through for the obligatory Todo example that is required for all frameworks. This guide will setup a basic todo app in just over 100 lines of sparse code.

Setting up the project

We will setup the project using cargo new. After these commands we should have basic Rust project with a src/ file. All further code will happen in

cargo new todo
cd todo
cargo add arkham

Some basic structures

We will need a few structures. The first is AppRoute, which will tell us which view we are in. For this simple application we will have two options either the TodoPage view, or the NewTodo view.

We will another routing structure for a sub route called NewTodoRoute. This isn't strictly necessary since it will only have one option Title. Third, a Todo structure which will be our data structure for holding individual todo items. And last, a structure to hold the overall application state.

use arkham::prelude::*;

#[derive(Default, Clone, Copy)]
enum AppRoute {

#[derive(Default, Clone, Copy)]
enum NewTodoRoute {

struct Todo {
    title: String,
    complete: bool,

struct AppState {
    todos: Vec<Todo>,
    selected_index: usize,
    route: AppRoute,
    new_todo_form: Todo,

The main function

The main function is very simple. We instantiate the Arkham::App and insert two resources: A theme and the application state. We also pass the root_view function to the application as the initial rendering code that app will start with. This function will be defined next.

fn main() {

The root view

The root view is also fairly straightforward. This is a component. Component's in Arkham are simple functions that accept a mutable instance of ViewContext. They can further accept other resources and states that were inserted during App creation; such as Theme and AppState. For more information on components see Designing Components.

This component receives two injected objects. Res, which denotes the current keyboard state, and AppState, which is our application state object we inserted in main. For more information on resources and states see Dependency injection.

The code

First we extract the size from the context, in order to evade borrow rules when we pass it into ViewContext::componet. This is the available size we have to work with. Because this is the root component, the size is the total available space in the terminal.

Next we fill the entire area with black, and insert the todo_container component. Which is a function we will define later.

Then we match the current route to see if the route is set to AppRoute::NewTodo, if it is we can render the add_todo_modal.

Last we check the keyboard state to see if n was pressed, if so we will update the route to AppRoute::NewTodo.

The order here is important. We want to check the keyboard state after we possibly render the new todo form. This is because we want to give new_todo_modal a chance to intercept the keyboard input.

fn root_view(
    ctx: &mut ViewContext, 
    kb: Res<Keyboard>, 
    state: State<AppState>) {
        let size = ctx.size();

        ctx.component(size, todo_container);

        if matches!(state.get().route, AppRoute::NewTodo(_)) {
            let mut rect = Rect::with_size(size);
            rect.pad(-5, -5);
            ctx.component(rect, add_todo_modal);

        if kb.char() == Some('n') {
            state.get_mut().route = 

Todo container

The todo container's code could simply be in the root_view, but we will break it out under the assumption that we might want to add more functionality and views later. This component receives the same two inserted objects as before: The keyboard resource and the application state.


First we retrieve a reference to the app state, which we will use throughout. Then we start doing keyboard handling:

  • space will toggle the complete status of the currently selected todo.

  • k or down arrow will move the current selection down

  • j or up arrow will move the current selection up

  • x or delete will delete the currently selected item

After handling keyboard events we just loop through all the todo items in the app state and use the todo component for each one.

fn todo_container(ctx: &mut ViewContext, state: State<AppState>, kb: Res<Keyboard>) {
        let mut st = state.get_mut();
        if kb.char() == Some(' ') {
            let idx = st.selected_index;
            if let Some(todo) = st.todos.get_mut(idx) {
                todo.complete = !todo.complete;
        if (kb.char() == Some('k') || kb.code() == Some(KeyCode::Up)) && st.selected_index > 0 {
            st.selected_index -= 1;

        if (kb.char() == Some('j') || kb.code() == Some(KeyCode::Down))
            && st.selected_index < st.todos.len() - 1
            st.selected_index += 1;

        if kb.code() == Some(KeyCode::Delete) || kb.char() == Some('x') {
            let idx = st.selected_index;
            if st.selected_index > st.todos.len() - 1 && !st.todos.is_empty() {
                st.selected_index = st.todos.len() - 1;

    for idx in 0..(state.get().todos.len()) {
        let size = ctx.size();
        ctx.component(((0, idx), (size.width, 1)), todo(idx));

Todo component

The todo component simply prints out the todo item on a line. It styles the text so that the color changes if it is the current selection, or if it is completed.

This code uses the Stack component to make this easier. For more information see Stacks.

fn todo(todo_index: usize) -> impl Fn(&mut ViewContext, Res<Theme>, State<AppState>) {
    move |ctx, theme, state| {
        let st = state.get();
        let size = ctx.size();
        let todo = st.todos.get(todo_index).unwrap();
        let fg = if todo.complete {
        } else {
        if st.selected_index == todo_index {
        let mut stack = ctx.horizontal_stack(size);
        if todo.complete {
            stack.insert("  [x] ".to_runes().fg(fg));
        } else {
            stack.insert("  [ ] ".to_runes().fg(fg));
        ctx.component(size, stack);

The new todo modal

Last we have the todo modal, which has the most complexity. This renders a pane in the center of the screen and acts as a form. For this example there is only a single title field.

When we rendered this component above we specifically set its Rect to shrink by 5 characters allowing it to not fill the screen completely. From within this component we can operate normally since the ViewContext::size will already have that factored in.

The AppState has a member called new_title_form which is a Todo that will hold the data for a todo that is currently being edited here.

The code

Same as before we copy the size from the context to use it later. We also pull out the sub route. If we had more fields, like a due date, we could use this sub-route to determine which field had focus. For us it will always be the title field.

Next we fill the first line of the area with the tertiary color, just to give a nice title bar for the modal, and insert some title text.

We check for the Escape key to possibly close the modal if it is pressed. We could check for this in the todo container, but it is nice to have all the code related to this component included inside it. This way no matter where we use this component the escape key will always just work.

The last thing we render is the title field itself. This is just the text Title, then an area filled in with the tertiary color and has the current title value printed in it.

Now we handle the text input. We match on the route, again in case we had multiple fields, and check for any character press. if we have one we push it into the title value.

We also check for a enter key press. When enter is pressed we will push the new_todo_form todo data into the todos Vec. and change the route.

Last we reset the keyboard. This is important because we want all the character presses here. We do not want components down the line to see these keyboard events. If we did not do this, when we used the n key in a title it would trigger the opening modal logic we defined above. Also the q key would quit the application, when it was pressed while editing the title.

fn add_todo_modal(
    ctx: &mut ViewContext,
    theme: Res<Theme>,
    state: State<AppState>,
    kb: Res<Keyboard>,
) {
    let size = ctx.size();

    let AppRoute::NewTodo(route) = state.get().route else {

    ctx.fill((0, (size.width, 1)), theme.bg_tertiary);
    ctx.insert((2, 0), "New Todo Item".to_runes().bold());

    if kb.code() == Some(KeyCode::Esc) {
        state.get_mut().route = AppRoute::TodoPage;

    ctx.component((2, (size.width - 2, 1)), |ctx: &mut ViewContext| {
        let size = ctx.size();
        ctx.insert(0, "Title");
        ctx.fill(((10, 0), (size.width - 12, 1)), theme.bg_tertiary);
        ctx.insert((10, 0), state.get().new_todo_form.title.clone())

    match route {
        NewTodoRoute::Title => {
            if let Some(c) = kb.char() {
            if Some(KeyCode::Backspace) == kb.code() {
            if Some(KeyCode::Enter) == kb.code() {
                let mut st = state.get_mut();
                let todo = std::mem::take(&mut st.new_todo_form);
                st.route = AppRoute::TodoPage;


And that's it, a basic Todo application.

Full example

Here is the full code put altogether:

use arkham::prelude::*;

#[derive(Default, Clone, Copy)]
enum AppRoute {

#[derive(Default, Clone, Copy)]
enum NewTodoRoute {

struct Todo {
    title: String,
    complete: bool,

struct AppState {
    todos: Vec<Todo>,
    selected_index: usize,
    route: AppRoute,
    new_todo_form: Todo,

fn main() {

fn root_view(ctx: &mut ViewContext, kb: Res<Keyboard>, state: State<AppState>) {
    let size = ctx.size();

    ctx.component(size, todo_container);

    if matches!(state.get().route, AppRoute::NewTodo(_)) {
        let mut rect = Rect::with_size(size);
        rect.pad(-5, -5);
        ctx.component(rect, add_todo_modal);

    if kb.char() == Some('n') {
        state.get_mut().route = AppRoute::NewTodo(NewTodoRoute::default());

fn todo_container(ctx: &mut ViewContext, state: State<AppState>, kb: Res<Keyboard>) {
        let mut st = state.get_mut();
        if kb.char() == Some(' ') {
            let idx = st.selected_index;
            if let Some(todo) = st.todos.get_mut(idx) {
                todo.complete = !todo.complete;
        if (kb.char() == Some('k') || kb.code() == Some(KeyCode::Up)) && st.selected_index > 0 {
            st.selected_index -= 1;

        if (kb.char() == Some('j') || kb.code() == Some(KeyCode::Down))
            && st.selected_index < st.todos.len() - 1
            st.selected_index += 1;

        if kb.code() == Some(KeyCode::Delete) || kb.char() == Some('x') {
            let idx = st.selected_index;
            if st.selected_index > st.todos.len() - 1 && !st.todos.is_empty() {
                st.selected_index = st.todos.len() - 1;

    for idx in 0..(state.get().todos.len()) {
        let size = ctx.size();
        ctx.component(((0, idx), (size.width, 1)), todo(idx));

fn todo(todo_index: usize) -> impl Fn(&mut ViewContext, Res<Theme>, State<AppState>) {
    move |ctx, theme, state| {
        let st = state.get();
        let size = ctx.size();
        let todo = st.todos.get(todo_index).unwrap();
        let fg = if todo.complete {
        } else {
        if st.selected_index == todo_index {
        let mut stack = ctx.horizontal_stack(size);
        if todo.complete {
            stack.insert("  [x] ".to_runes().fg(fg));
        } else {
            stack.insert("  [ ] ".to_runes().fg(fg));
        ctx.component(size, stack);

fn add_todo_modal(
    ctx: &mut ViewContext,
    theme: Res<Theme>,
    state: State<AppState>,
    kb: Res<Keyboard>,
) {
    let size = ctx.size();

    let AppRoute::NewTodo(route) = state.get().route else {

    ctx.fill((0, (size.width, 1)), theme.bg_tertiary);
    ctx.insert((2, 0), "New Todo Item".to_runes().bold());

    if kb.code() == Some(KeyCode::Esc) {
        state.get_mut().route = AppRoute::TodoPage;

    ctx.component((2, (size.width - 2, 1)), |ctx: &mut ViewContext| {
        let size = ctx.size();
        ctx.insert(0, "Title");
        ctx.fill(((10, 0), (size.width - 12, 1)), theme.bg_tertiary);
        ctx.insert((10, 0), state.get().new_todo_form.title.clone())

    match route {
        NewTodoRoute::Title => {
            if let Some(c) = kb.char() {
            if Some(KeyCode::Backspace) == kb.code() {
            if Some(KeyCode::Enter) == kb.code() {
                let mut st = state.get_mut();
                let todo = std::mem::take(&mut st.new_todo_form);
                st.route = AppRoute::TodoPage;

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